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Sponsoring an FFH Dog

All the dogs in our care need regular donations to keep them fed and well cared for. It costs approximately £3,000 a month to keep the sanctuary going on average, and we couldn't survive without our regular donors.


You can choose the amount you donate from as little as £1 as a one-off donation or as a monthly sponsorship. Sponsors that choose to donate £10 or more a month will receive a special gift featuring your chosen sponsor dog. Gifts will be automatically posted to you after three consecutive months of sponsorship for a particular dog.


Take a look below and choose your sponsor dog today!


Permanent resident at the sanctuary and all round mischief


8 year old Shadow, a giant cuddly bear with love to spare


The sassy minx of the sanctuary, a bodeguero with a diva attitude


A wee timid little lady, and Mum to Blanquita

Anthe - 26 June.jpg

Bravest of all the Interstellar litter and a true explorer

Venus - 26 June.jpg

The Goddess of beauty with razor sharp baby teeth

Luna - 26 June.jpg

Tinniest of the litter with a giant attitude


The tearaway youngster himself, Mr. T trainee security


Our 4 year old boy Wilbur is a mix breed and so handsome


Our Ginger boxer cross with a heart of gold


Super Mum to the Interstellar Litter and wonderful girl

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Lovely little man who adores snuggles

Orion - 26 June.jpg

The big boy of the litter with a stunning brindle coat

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